This module takes an introductory look at sexual rights in the context of the internet and ICTs. It begins by defining key concepts within sexual rights, and how they have been recognized within international human rights law. The module then
Ending Violence Against Women Online – Training Kit
This module looks at violence against women within the context of the internet and ICTs. It begins by exploring how violence against women (VAW) has been historically recognized and addressed within international law, and then explores the ways in which
Feminist Principles of the Internet Training Module
The module centres around the 15 Feminist Principles of the Internet 1 that were developed by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and a group of international activists, researchers and scholars at a Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the
Data 101 – Privacy International
Privacy International has prepared introduction articles and videos to explain the basic concepts behind big data and data protection: What does ‘Big Data’ have to do with privacy? How does law enforcement intercept my phone calls? How does internet monitoring
Privacy 101 – Privacy International
Privacy International has prepared introduction articles and videos to explain the basic concepts behind privacy and surveillance: What does ‘Big Data’ have to do with privacy? How does law enforcement intercept my phone calls? How does internet monitoring work? What
Intellectual Property Rights — Open Access for Researchers : CIS
Source: The Center for Internet & Society In 2013, Nehaa Chaudhari worked on a module on Intellectual Property Rights for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s Open Access Curriculum (Curriculum for Researchers) as part of a project for
Pro-poor ICT Access Toolkit
Business people, community activists and policy-makers have an interest in as many people as possible –including people in the lowest income-brackets- having access to the internet, being able to check out important information on websites and communicate cheaply via email
The right to privacy
The Internet rights are human rights is a series of training modules concerned with the relationship between human rights, ICTs and the internet. These modules are intended to help those who work on human rights and/or ICTs, and others with
Freedom of expression and freedom of information
The Internet rights are human rights is a series of training modules concerned with the relationship between human rights, ICTs and the internet. These modules are intended to help those who work on human rights and/or ICTs, and others with
Freedom of association and freedom of assembly: Internet rights are human rights
The Internet rights are human rights is a series of training modules concerned with the relationship between human rights, ICTs and the internet. These modules are intended to help those who work on human rights and/or ICTs, and others with