Introduction This exercise is to test participants knowledge of concepts, issue areas, processes and organisations/structures. And their ability to explain them. It should be a competitive game in teams with scoring and a winner. Timing/duration, timetable and delivery method 30
How the Internet Works – Infographic
Who governs the internet
By Jac sm Kee From falling in love to falling into debt It is not an exaggeration to say that the internet has entered into almost all spheres of our lives today. From falling in love to falling into debt,
ICT policy, advocacy and the digital divide
The ICT Policy for Civil Society training materials build the capacity of civil society organisations to understand policy and regulation related to information and communication technologies (ICT) so that they can begin to engage and influence policy processes affecting ICT
What is the Internet?
The Internet Society has developped a series of short briefs to explain what is the internet, how it works , who makes it work and how the internet is evolving. In a relatively short period of time, the Internet has