Introduction This exercise is to test participants knowledge of concepts, issue areas, processes and organisations/structures. And their ability to explain them. It should be a competitive game in teams with scoring and a winner. Timing/duration, timetable and delivery method 30
Gender and ICTs – Policy Brief – IT For Change
IT for Change was commissioned by BRIDGE, IDS in 2013 to prepare a policy brief on Gender and ICTs for DFID. The final policy brief, submitted in February 2014, provides a broad brush-stroke analysis of the depth and breadth of
Why is the internet a feminist issue?
Source: The women’s programme of world’s oldest progressive internet network outlines its priority issues for the 12th AWID International Forum on Women’s Rights in Development that will gather over 2000 women’s rights activists from around the world from April
GENDER and ICTs: Overview Report
Source: Bridge (2004) Author: Anita Gurumurthy New technologies in the information and communications arena, especially the Internet, have been seen as ushering in a new age. There is a mainstream view that such technologies have only technical rather than social
Women’s Rights, Gender and Internet Governance – Issue paper
by Avri Doria Download the women’s rights, gender and internet governance paper here. Written specifically to frame to discussions of the gigX, this issue paper focuses on the question of the degree to which gender and women’s rights feature in
Feminist Principles of the Internet Training Module
The module centres around the 15 Feminist Principles of the Internet 1 that were developed by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and a group of international activists, researchers and scholars at a Global Meeting on Gender, Sexuality and the
International Women’s Day: How surveillance is used to assert control
Source: Privacy International Authors: Claire Lauterbach Date: 6 March 2015 This Sunday is International Women’s Day. You could celebrate the considerable progress in legislating for women’s equal rights. You could join a protest against political and legal inequality, discrepancies in
CONNECTing the Dots: Options for Future Action – UNESCO: Outcome document
UNESCO organized from 3 – 4 March 2015, an international multistakeholder conference to discuss the first draft of the Comprehensive Study on Internet-related issues. This major global study captures and explores global perspectives on the new and emerging trends that
Access to Knowledge in Emergency situations: Looking at the situation in Jordan and in the Democratic Republic of Congo
2 June 2010: Source By Sonia Randhawa Access to knowledge is vital at any time. This is especially evident in times of emergency where a lack of knowledge can be disastrous, as graphically illustrated during the Asian tsunami of
Access & Gender
16 July 2007 By Jac sm Kee There are different dimensions to access-related issues, and there are significant points of connection between them. Open access networks have been identified by APC as being made up of three layers – physical