Assessing Internet governance arrangements requires an understanding of both the unevenness in access to and use of the Internet between the North and the South of the world, and of the disparities between developed and developing countries’ abilities to effectively
Women’s Rights, Gender and Internet Governance – Issue paper
by Avri Doria Download the women’s rights, gender and internet governance paper here. Written specifically to frame to discussions of the gigX, this issue paper focuses on the question of the degree to which gender and women’s rights feature in
Multi-stakeholder participation on internet governance: An analysis from a developing country, civil society perspective
By Marília Maciel and Carlos Affonso Pereira de Souza (APC), September 2011 Download the article The concept of governance has changed over the last decades. It includes plurality of actors involved in political processes, and the importance of “soft power”
The Role of Governments in Internet Governance
by Jeremy Malcolm, May 2013 Presentation which analyzes the role of governments in internet governance.
Between Coordination and Regulation: Conceptualizing Governance in Internet Governance
By Jeanette Hofmann, Christian Katzenbach, and Kirsten Gollatz, August 2014 This paper contributes to the recent move towards a more systematic reflection on the conceptual foundations of Internet governance. It is led by the question of how to define (Internet)
Who governs the internet
By Jac sm Kee From falling in love to falling into debt It is not an exaggeration to say that the internet has entered into almost all spheres of our lives today. From falling in love to falling into debt,
What does the Internet Governance Forum signify for gender equality?
IT For Change: Research Brief (2013) This paper sets out to study how gender equality gets constructed within the discursive space of IGF, using IGF 2012 as an exemplar. It utilises a Critical Discourse Analysis Framework that draws upon
An introduction to internet governance
by Jovan Kurbalija, 2014 The aim of this book, now in its sixth edition, is to provide a comprehensive overview of the main issues and actors in the field through a practical framework for analysis, discussion, and resolution of significant issues.