Source: The Center for Internet & Society In 2013, Nehaa Chaudhari worked on a module on Intellectual Property Rights for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)’s Open Access Curriculum (Curriculum for Researchers) as part of a project for
Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It’s a Seductive Mirage : GNU
by Richard M. Stallman Source: It has become fashionable to toss copyright, patents, and trademarks—three separate and different entities involving three separate and different sets of laws—plus a dozen other laws into one pot and call it “intellectual property”.
Copyrights and Copywrongs Why the Government Should Embrace the Public Domain
This article by Pranesh Prakash was published in Yojana, Issue: August 2013. Source CIS. Each of you reading this article is a criminal and should be jailed for up to three years. Yes, you. “Why?,” you may ask. Have you
Access To Knowledge
Access to Knowledge is a campaign by the Center for Internet and Society to promote the fundamental principles of justice, freedom, and economic development. It deals with issues like copyrights, patents and trademarks, which are an important part of the
Fair Use and Intellectual Property: Defending the Balance : EFF
This section of the Electronic Frontier Foundation unpacks different issues in regards to intellectual property including DCMA, file sharing, patents and copyright. Even if the content is quite US-specific, you’ll find resources in this section that unpack the uderlining issues