Let’s talk about the past to understand the internet of the present The internet is all about the future and the next big thing and gosh, I’m so bored of that. Let’s talk about the past in order to understand
DiscoTech 2015: Let's talk about the past to understand the internet of the present
DiscoTech 2015: Let’s talk about the past to understand the internet of the present “Online and offline anonymity is a way to make political resistance in a conservative democracy”. The internet is all about the future and the next big
2015 IGF: "Gender, technology and online VAW have been increasingly recognised as a human rights issue"
2015 IGF: “Gender, technology and online VAW have been increasingly recognised as a human rights issue” Between the belligerence of the “Gamer Gate” (the controversy regarding the last UN report on violence against women), and a very uncommon Stockholm Internet
Gender and technology have been increasingly recognised as a human rights issue
Gender and technology have been increasingly recognised as a human rights issue Between the belligerence of the “Gamer Gate” (the controversy regarding the last UN report on violence against women), and a very uncommon Stockholm Internet Forum who in its
What do women expect for this 10th IGF?
What do women expect for this 10th IGF? GenderIT.org asked many of the participants in the Gender and Internet Governance eXchanges (gigX) from three different regions what they expected for this year’s 10th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Brazil, in
Women actively join internet governance discussions
Women actively join internet governance discussions Little by little, the number of women participating in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has increased significantly, and their presence in panels and workshops and as participants has brought new insights into the discussion
Women’s rights, gender and Internet governance
Women’s rights, gender and Internet governance This issue paper addresses the degree to which gender and women’s rights feature in Internet1 governance, in multiple interconnected ways including, but certainly not limited to, access, content and representation. Gender and women’s rights
Claiming governance spaces: from Gender and Internet Governance Exchange to Africa Internet Governance Forum
Claiming governance spaces: from Gender and Internet Governance Exchange to Africa Internet Governance Forum The Association for Progressive Communications’ Caroline Tagny interviewed Chenai Chair, a participant of the Africa Gender and Internet Governance Exchange, on her experience. The Association for
Meha Jouini: The internet has allowed me to publicly express my identity as an Amazigh woman activist
Meha Jouini: The internet has allowed me to publicly express my identity as an Amazigh woman activist Maha Jouini is an Addis Ababa-based Tunisian blogger, and women’s rights and indigenous rights activist, with a special focus on the Amazigh community.
If you are not at the table then you will be on the menu
If you are not at the table then you will be on the menu When it comes to decision making, policies and advocacy, in most cases women are usually left behind especially in relation to ICTs. I must say that