In its resolution E/RES/2013/9, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) requested the Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) to collect inputs from all facilitators and stakeholders concerning progress made in the implementation of WSIS outcomes.
The ECOSOC also requested the Commission to submit, after its eighteenth session, the results of its 10-year review of progress made in the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit, through the Council, to the General Assembly as it makes an overall review of the implementation of the outcomes of the World Summit in 2015.
Following the request by the ECOSOC, the CSTD invited all stakeholders to share their experiences, views and priorities on progress made in the implementation of WSIS outcomes at regional and international levels by submitting contributions through a questionnaire or by email to the CSTD Secretariat. You can read UN Women’s contribution here.