Let’s talk about the past to understand the internet of the present

The internet is all about the future and the next big thing and gosh, I’m so bored of that. Let’s talk about the past in order to understand the internet of the present and its fights over rights.

Online and offline anonymity is a way to make political resistance in a conservative democracy.

The internet is all about the future and the next big thing and gosh, I’m so bored of that. Let’s talk about the past in order to understand the internet of the present and its fight over rights.


Imagine that we’re back in Chile in 1989, and we’re about six months away from finally defeating the Agusto Pinochet dictatorship.

Feminist talk

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Source: Internet Governance ::: GenderIT.org
Let’s talk about the past to understand the internet of the present

Let's talk about the past to understand the internet of the present
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